Local Action Plan Calp 2020

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“A way to make Europe”
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What is EDUSI?

The Edusi Strategy "Revitalize Calp" is the strategy of sustainable and integrated development of the urban area of Calp. It is an action tool co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) operational program for sustainable growth 2014-2020 to respond to the problems of the future that cities face.

The goal of EDUSI strategies is to move towards smarter, more sustainable and inclusive cities. They represent a unique opportunity for the adaptation, reorganization and updating of cities to new technological, environmental, accessibility and inclusion needs.

How does EDUSI - Revitalize Calp arise?

The EDUSI Strategy "Revitalize Calp" was selected in the second call for these grants made by the Ministry of Finance (General Directorate of Community Funds) in May 2017.

The document was prepared from the Local Action Plan of Calp, which established the strategic lines, programs and projects with which it was intended to plan the future of the town, adapted to the requirements of the call.

How much is the investment of the EDUSI - Revitalize Calp project?

The execution of Calp's EDUSI involves an investment in the town of 6,134,522 euros, of which 50 percent will come from the ERDF Funds within the framework of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020 (POPE). The rest will be financed by Calp City Council.

Although the temporal scope of the POPE covers the seven years corresponding to the 2014-2020 programming period, the expenditure is eligible from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2023.

What kind of projects will be carried out?

The projects that will be carried out through the Edusi Strategy "Revitalize Calp" are limited to the scope of the 4 Thematic Objectives (TO) programmed within the urban axis of the POPE:

TO2: To improve the access, use and quality of information and communication technologies. 
TO4: Encourage the transition to a low carbon economy in all sectors of the economy. 
TO6: To conserve and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency. 
TO9: Promote social inclusion and fight against poverty.




Cabecera EDUSI Azul


Proyecto EDUSI “Revitaliza Calp”


Orden HAP/1610/2016, de 6 de octubre, por la que se aprueba la segunda convocatoria para la selección de Estrategias de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible e Integrado que serán cofinanciadas mediante el programa operativo FEDER de crecimiento sostenible 2014-2020

Resolución concesión ayudas

Resolución de 18 de mayo de 2017, de la Secretaría de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos, por la que se conceden ayudas de la segunda convocatoria para la selección de estrategias de desarrollo urbano sostenible e integrado.

Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (2014-2020)

La Estrategia Europa 2020 señala el camino hacia el crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e integrador de la Unión Europea en esta década. Su finalidad no es solo superar la crisis que han sufrido las economías europeas, sino también subsanar los defectos de nuestro modelo de crecimiento y crear las condiciones propicias para un crecimiento más inteligente, sostenible e integrador.

Información sobre los Fondos Europeos

La Dirección General de Fondos Europeos es el órgano de la Administración Central responsable del estudio, evaluación y coordinación de la gestión de la aplicación en España de los Fondos Estructurales Comunitarios, en especial del FEDER, y el Fondo de Cohesión, sin perjuicio de las competencias que en esta materia les corresponde a otras entidades de la Administración.

Asímismo se encarga de la gestión de los Incentivos Regionales y de las relaciones financieras y presupuestarias con la Unión Europea.

Manual de procedimientos de Entidades

Manual de procedimientos de entidades DUSI (Organismos intermedios ligeros) para las actuaciones cofinanciadas por el FEDER en España en el periodo de programación 2014-2020, Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Sostenible.




Cabecera EDUSI Amarillo

Plan of implementation

The EDUSI of "Revitalize Calp" has 12 lines of action for 4 main thematic objectives of Axis 12 of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE), the operational program in which the Strategy is framed.

TO2. To improve the use and quality of ICTs and access to them
LA1 - Programs for the training of cities and advice to companies in technological matters, as well as the promotion and promoti

LA2 - Development and deployment of new smart city solutions and integration of these and existing ones

TO4: Encourage the transition to a low carbon economy
LA3 - Citizen awareness programs on the advantages of low-polluting use and transport

EDUSI - Viñeta - Líneas de Actuación 3

Citizen awareness campaign on the advantages of low-polluting use and transport

EDUSI - Línea - Líneas de Actuación 3
LA4 - Development of actions for the improvement of mobility and accessibility

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Implementation of actions to improve mobility and accessibility derived from the SUMP and citizen participation

EDUSI - Línea - Líneas de Actuación 4
LA5 - Citizen awareness program on the advantages of the use of renewable energies

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Citizen awareness campaigns on the advantages of the use of renewable energies

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LA6 - Study and implementation of measures for the improvement of renewable energy efficiency

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Drafting of photovoltaic installation project at the Casa de Cultura Jaume Pastor i Fluix

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TO6: To conserve and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency
LA7-Citizen awareness program for the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of Calp

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Citizen awareness campaigns for the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of Calp

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LA8- Recovery of green spaces (green ring of the historic center and green corridor between the Historic Center and the Salinas)

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Drafting of the Calp Woodland Plan

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EDUSI - Viñeta - Líneas de Actuación 8

Execution of the Calp Woodland Plan

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LA9 - Improvement of the urban landscape based on the measures included in the Trade Action Plan

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Improvement of pedestrian mobility and the urban landscape of Murillo, Alcalde Vicente Pastor Tomás, Benissa and Fora streets

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Improvement and redevelopment of Plaza del Salvador and Calle Alicante

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EDUSI - Viñeta - Líneas de Actuación 9

Citizen participation program for the determination of the actions of the PAC to be carried out

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TO9. Promoting social inclusion and the fight against poverty
LA10 - Activation plan for the historic centre of Calp through the revitalisation of retail trade

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It is intended to draw up a Trade Action Plan. Participating companies will be advised on an individual basis. Also, the operation proposes the design of a seal of business excellence

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LA11 - Calp starts up

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Tourist Office of the 21st century and Office of the Open Shopping Center

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LA12 - Program to train workers at risk of exclusion with particular attention to those who come from sectors of activity with l

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Social Center

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Cabecera EDUSI Amarillo

Expressions of interest




Cabecera EDUSI Amarillo


Expedientesort descending Objeto del contrato Consultar Expediente
MIX.SUM 02/2020-EDUSI Suministro, Instalación y mantenimiento de la Sede Electrónica y de los conectores AGE para la suite Gexflow de Administración electrónica. Plataforma de contratación: Expediente MIX.SUM 02/2020-EDUSI
MIX.SUM 10/2021-EDUSI Suministro, instalación, configuración y mantenimiento de cabinas "All Flash" para el CPD del Ayuntamiento de Calp (Alacant) Plataforma de contratación: MIX.SUM 10/2021-EDUSI
OB 05/2020-EDUSI Obras de remodelación de la calle Alcalde Vicente Pastor de Calp (Alicante) Plataforma de contratación: Expediente OB 05/2020-EDUSI
OB 08/2020-EDUSI Obras de remodelación de las calles Benissa y Murillo de Calp Plataforma de contratación: Expediente OB 08/2020-EDUSI
OB 09/2020-EDUSI Obras de reurbanización Carrer de Fora en el Centro Histórico de Calp (Alicante) Plataforma de contratación: Expediente OB 09/2020-EDUSI
SER 10/2018 - EDUSI Servicios de “Mejoras en la plataforma de difusión turística de Calp” en el marco de la 2 “desarrollo y despliegue de nuevas soluciones Smart City e integración en éstas” con las ya existentes en la estrategia de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible EDUSI Revitalización Calp Plataforma de contratación: Expediente SER 10/2018 - EDUSI
SER 11/2018 - EDUSI Servicios de "aplicación móvil oficial de Calp (APP)" en el marco de la 2 "Desarrollo y despliegue de nuevas soluciones smart city e integración de éstas" con las ya existentes en la Estrategia de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible EDUSI Revitalización Calp Plataforma de contratación: Expediente SER 11/2018 - EDUSI
SER 17/2019 - EDUSI Servicios de Contratación de una Plataforma Tecnológica, Cuadro de Mando y Sistema Big Data "Centro de Turismo Inteligente de Calp- CTI" Plataforma de contratación: Expediente SER 17/2019 - EDUSI
SER 53/2021-EDUSI Servicio de fomento de accesibilidad de webs municipales, transparencia institucional y Gobierno abierto del Ayuntamiento de Calp (Alicante) Plataforma de contratación: SER 53/2021-EDUSI
SUM 06/2018 – EDUSI Trabajos de mejora para la infraestructura WIFI de Calp en el marco de la 2 "Desarrollo y despliegue de nuevas soluciones Smart City e integración de éstas" con las ya existentes en la Estrategia de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible EDUSI Revitalización Calp Plataforma de contratación: Expediente SUM 06/2018 – EDUSI
SUM 29/2020-EDUSI Suministro de un "Sistema de cartelería digital" en el marco de la LA2 "Desarrollo y despliegue de nuevas soluciones Smart City e integración de éstas con las ya existentes" en la Estrategia de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible EDUSI Revitalización Calp Plataforma de contratación: Expediente SUM 29/2020-EDUSI
SUM 46/2023-EDUSI Suministro de mobiliario para la oficina del siglo XXI de Calp (Alicante) Plataforma de contratación: SUM 46/2023-EDUSI




Cabecera EDUSI Amarillo

Anti-fraud Policy

Declaración Institucional Antifraude

El Ayuntamiento de Calp, en relación a las actuaciones de ejecución, seguimiento y control de la Estrategia EDUSI, (Fondos Feder), manifiesta su compromiso con los estándares más altos en el cumplimiento de las normas jurídicas, y las políticas antifraude.

Código de Conducta

Instrucciones para la prevención de conductas fraudulentas e implementación de medidas antifraude en la gestión de los proyectos confinanciados con fondos FEDER.

Communication of information

If you wish to inform the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service of facts that may constitute fraud or irregularity in relation to projects or operations financed by funds from the European Union, you can do so through the form that the IGAE makes available:




Cabecera EDUSI Amarillo

Projects in Progress

Calle Alcalde Vicente Pastor - Calp

Among the objectives of the EDUSI Strategy "Revitaliza Calp" is to preserve and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency. Therefore, one of the projects included in the strategy is...




Cabecera EDUSI Verde



Cohesion Policy

Cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020 should be more results-oriented than in previous periods in order to make a visible contribution to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. Thus, the regulation of the Funds places greater emphasis on the design of the programmes, in terms of the results to be achieved, as well as on evaluation activities at national and regional level. The aim is to be able to measure and know the results of the programmes and their contribution to the objectives of the Union.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Programmes

Monitoring of the programs. Member States shall monitor the implementation of Cohesion Policy programmes with a view to examining the implementation of the Cohesion Policy programmes and the progress made in achieving their objectives. To this end, monitoring committees shall be set up and their composition and functions shall be defined in relation to the Funds.

The regulations establish the obligation to carry out evaluations of the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of support from the CSF Funds, with the aim of improving the quality of the implementation and design of the programmes, and to determine the impact of the programmes in relation to the targets of the Union's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

In order to improve the quality and design of each programme and to verify the feasibility of its objectives and targets, an ex ante evaluation of those objectives and targets should be carried out and forwarded to the Commission together with the operational programme.

The authority responsible for the preparation of the programme should draw up an evaluation plan. During the programming period, managing authorities should carry out evaluations to assess the effectiveness and impact of the programme. In order to facilitate management decisions, the monitoring committee and the Commission should be informed of the results of the evaluations.

Ex-post evaluations of the programmes shall also be carried out to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the Funds and their impact in relation to the overall objectives of the Funds themselves and the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. These assessments will be carried out by the European Commission.

The indicator system will be a key part of the monitoring and evaluation system for the period 2014-2020. The system of indicators shall include common indicators (defined by the Commission and contained in the regulations) as well as programme-specific indicators. All these indicators, depending on their nature, can be classified into: performance indicators and result indicators. A selection of these indicators will form the Performance Framework to be defined in each of the programmes in order to facilitate their monitoring.




Cabecera EDUSI Rojo



Video presentation EDUSI Calp




Cabecera EDUSI Rojo

Best practices


BP1 - Plataforma tecnológica, cuadro de mando y sistema big data “centro de Turismo inteligente de calp – CTI”, mejoras en la plataforma de difusión Turística, aplicación móvil oficial de calp (app) y trabajos de mejora para la Infraestructura wifi de calp

Esta buena práctica se enmarca dentro del Plan de Destino Turístico Inteligente de Calp y ha consistido en llevar a cabo el desarrollo tecnológico de la ciudad para hacer de Calp una "smartcity".

BP2 - Sistema de cartelería digital

Esta buena práctica ha consistido en la instalación de un sistema de cartelería digital en las calles de Calp dentro del proyecto del Destino Turístico Inteligente.

BP3 - Servicio de fomento de accesibilidad de webs municipales del ayuntamiento de Calp

La presente buena práctica permite que las dos páginas webs del Ayuntamiento de Calp, la institucional y la de Turismo sean accesibles a las personas con discapacidad, ya sea visual y de movilidad.

BP8 - Proyecto de mejora de la movilidad peatonal y paisaje urbano de las calles Murillo, Alcalde Vicente Pastor Tomás, Benissa y de Fora

La presente Buena Práctica consiste en la reurbanización de cuatro calles del centro histórico de Calp, la calle Alcalde Vicente Pastor, la calle Benissa, la calle Murillo y la calle de Fora con el objetivo de mejorar la accesibilidad en esta zona del municipio así como su paisaje urbano.

Cabecera EDUSI Rojo

Manuals and guides


Manual of communication

Brief compilation manual of practical issues for beneficiaries in the field of communication 2014-2020.

Evaluation of the Communication Strategy of the Pluriregional Operational Programme of Spain 2014-2020

This document includes the Evaluation of the Communication Strategy of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, although it should be noted that in the first years of this programming period, there were two independent Programs, the Intelligent Growth Program (POCINT) and the Sustainable Growth Program (POCS), hence in some of the sections, when it has been seen appropriate, the evaluation has been separated for each of these two Programs. To begin with, it provides a brief summary of the normative framework of reference of the work.